Paddling by canoe & kayak is a great way to explore Maine with opportunities to view eagles, loons, Great Blue Herons, ducks, geese, Canadian Jay, Hooded Mergansers, Chickadee, common tern and more. Here are some river trip options for soft adventure with comfortable campsites, awesome meals, and leisurely pace. Choose a 3 day Maine vacation package and getaway on the St. Croix River and a 4 day Maine vacation package on the Allagash for great bird viewing trips and tours.

The Allagash, 4+ days, Our number one wildlife photography trip for viewing moose and bald eagles. Birders will love the Allagash with plenty of opportunities for viewing birds in an unspoiled environment. You’ll want to keep an eye out underneath as the forest floor offers a wide variety of plant life for macro photography.

West Branch of the Penobscot River, 3-5 days Our last trip into Lobster Lake we spotted the Great Blue Heron and American Bittern (pictured on this page). Choose a canoe trip into Lobster Lake on the West Branch of the Penobscot River for great campsites, sandy beaches and mountain vistas. We can set up base camp, explore islands and hike up Lobster Mountain. It’s a great trip for viewing moose and bird life. The Lobster Lake trip can be extended by traveling down the West Branch of the Penobscot River to Chesuncook Village and beyond.

The St. Croix River,  1-5 days with 3-4 days are most popular, Combines great wilderness travel with easy whitewater, maintained campsites and a healthy population of Bald eagles. It’s fun for all ages and youth always enjoy up close views of turtles and frogs during the warm summer months. Whos knows, you might even spot a pair of Great Horned Owls!

More about Maine Guide Dave Conley and guided Maine bird watching tours at Canoe the Wild website.